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1 Submit an Abstract

If you would like to present, start by submitting a proposal. You will need the following: presentation type, short/long descriptions, keywords, focus, themes, and biographical information.

Submit your proposal here.




2 Get Approved

After we receive your presentation proposal, it moves to the evaluation step. We welcome the submission of proposals at anytime of the year.


All proposals will be reviewed by the Organizing Committee. See proposal deadlines below.

3 Register

Once your proposal is accepted, you must register before our Program Development team can schedule your presentation.

Submit your registration here.

Conference Sessions

Pregnancy_2nd International Women Health and Breast Cancer Conference_iWomen Health 2020_London, UK


Planning and preparing for pregnancy, Immunization during pregnancy, Nutrition, Prenatal care, delivery, and postpartum care, High-risk pregnancy care (maternal-fetal medicine),  Depression during and after pregnancy, Emergency birth control/emergency contraception, Postpartum depression, Multiple Pregnancy: Twins or more, Adolescent Pregnancy, Miscarriage,  Counselling and practical advice during pregnancy and parenthood

Breast Health and Survivorship_2nd International Women Health and Breast Cancer Conference_iWomen Health 2020_London, UK

Breast Cancer Diagnosis, Therapy and Survivorship

Biology of Breast Cancer, Screening and Diagnosis, Mammogram, Thermography, Breast Cancer Therapy, Chemotherapy, Reconstruction of Breast, Breast Cancer Immunotheraphy and Radiography, Breast Cancer during pregnancy, Advanced Disease Treatment, Adjuvant Therapy, Dealing with cancer diagnosis, Surviorship after treatment, Psycosocial Quality of life, Life after Cancer treatment, Follow up medical care, Late side effects of Cancer treatment, Care for survivors

2nd International Women Health and Breast Cancer Conference_iWomen Health 2020_London, UK_Breast Health

Breast Health

Breast biopsy, Breast Cancer, Breast-Conserving Surgery (Lumpectomy or Partial Mastectomy), Fibrocystic Breasts, Breast Lumps, Mammogram, Breast Ultrasound, Risk and Prevention, Prognosis and Response Prediction, Imaging and Screening,Clinical Trials, Biomarkers for Breast Cancer, Advanced Disease Treatment, Cancer Support: Coping With Cancer Treatments

2nd International Women Health and Breast Cancer Conference_iWomen Health 2020_London, UK_Infertility


Reproductive Endocrinology, Female infertility, Male Infertility, Recurrent pregnancy loss, Assisted ReproductionTechnology/In vitro fertilization, Surrogates and Gestational Carriers, Management of Subfertility, Medicines to stimulate ovulation, Intrauterine insemination, In vitro fertilization (IVF), Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), Conception devices, Oncofertility, Medical ethics

Polycystic ovary syndrome _2nd International Women Health and Breast Cancer Conference_iWomen Health 2020_London, UK

Polycystic ovary syndrome

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), Pathogenesis, Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), Ovarian cysts, Pelvic organ prolapse, Uterine and vaginal prolapse, Health effects, Diagnosis, Pregnancy and PCOS, Diet and lifestyle, Medical treatments, Complications of PCOS, Latest research and advancement

Pediatrics-2nd International Women Health and Breast Cancer Conference_iWomen Health 2020_London, UK


General Pediatrics, Pediatric Infectious diseases, Pediatrics diagnostic techniques, Pediatric Oncology, Pediatric surgery, Neonatology and Perinatology, Pediatric Nursing, Pediatric cardiology, Pediatric Nutrition and baby foods, Endocrinology, Pediatric Otolaryngology, Critical Care in Trauma, Evolution in Emergency Medicine Practices, Pediatric hematology, Pediatric Pulmonology, Diagnostic and therapeutic advancements in pediatric neurology

Nursing and Healthcare_2nd International Women Health and Breast Cancer Conference_iWomen Health 2020_London, UK

Nursing and Healthcare

Nursing Education,   Healthcare and Nursing Management,  Clinical Nursing, Cardiovascular Nursing, Critical Care and Emergency Nursing, Risk Factors in Nursing and Healthcare Professionals, Nutrition and Health

Gynecological Cancer_2nd International Women Health and Breast Cancer Conference_iWomen Health 2020_London, UK

Cancer Research

Recent Research and advancement in Oncology, Nanotechnology In Cancer Treatment, The challenge of rare cancers, Cancer Diagnosis : Tools, Technology And Procedures, Growth of Cancer Drug Market, Diagnosis and therapy of cancer, Cancer Management & Prevention, Genetics of Breast and Gynecologic Cancers, Cancer Staging and Grading, Radiation Treatment for Cancer,Endometrial Cancer, Ovarian Cancer, Cervical Cancer, Vaginal Cancer and Vulvar Cancer, Fallopian Tube Cancer, Screening and Treatment of Cancer

Maternal-Child Health_2nd International Women Health and Breast Cancer Conference_iWomen Health 2020_London, UK

Maternal-Child Health

Safe motherhood, Childhealth Care, Current issues in Maternal Health, Maternal Morbidity and Mortality, Quality of care, Stillbirth, Breastfeeding, Major causes of Maternal Mortality -Haemorrhage, infection, high blood pressure, unsafe abortion and obstructed labour, Intensive Care, Neonatology, Fetal and Perinatal Therapy, Neonatal Drugs, Congenital Malformations and Birth Complications, Neonatal and Fetal Nutrition, Neonatal Infectious Disease and Antibiotics, Vaccination and Immunization

Menstruation and Menopause_2nd International Women Health and Breast Cancer Conference_iWomen Health 2020_London, UK

Menstruation and Menopause

Puberty, Menstrual Cycle: Dealing With Cramps, Menstrual Disorders, Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS), Neurological condition during cycle, Hormonal changes, Menopause , Endometriosis uterus, Premature ovarian failure, Surgical menopause and Menopausal hormone therapy, Endometriosis, Endometrial Ablation

Sexually transmitted infections (STDs, STIs)_2nd International Women Health and Breast Cancer Conference_iWomen Health 2020_London, UK

Sexually transmitted infections (STDs, STIs)

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) includng chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, genital herpes, genital warts, HIV, and syphilis. mother-to-child transmission leading to outcomes such as stillbirths and neonatal deaths among low-birth-weight and prematurity, sepsis, pneumonia, neonatal conjunctivitis, and congenital deformities

2nd International Women Health and Breast Cancer Conference_iWomen Health 2020_London, UK_Reproductive Health and Rights

Reproductive Health and Rights

Contraception and Family Planning, Termination of Pregnancy, Human Sexuality, Sexual and Reproductive Rights, Awareness and Counselling in Sexual and Reproductive Health, Gender and reproductive rights, Domestic Violence, Addressing Maternal Mortality, Sustainle Development Goals, Medical Education and Training, Information Technology in Women’s Health and Ethics and Law in Women’s Health, Sexual Abuse: Signs and Symptoms

2nd International Women Health and Breast Cancer Conference_iWomen Health 2020_London, UK_ Autoimmune Disorders and Women

Autoimmune Disorders and Women

Contraception and Family Planning, Termination of Pregnancy, Human Sexuality, Sexual and Reproductive Rights, Awareness and Counselling in Sexual and Reproductive Health, Gender and reproductive rights, Domestic Violence, Addressing Maternal Mortality, Sustainle Development Goals, Medical Education and Training, Information Technology in Women’s Health and Ethics and Law in Women’s Health, Sexual Abuse: Signs and Symptoms

2nd International Women Health and Breast Cancer Conference_iWomen Health 2020_London, UK_Women’s Health Issues and Policy

Women’s Health Issues and Policy

Addressing Maternal Mortality, Sustainle Development Goals, Medical Education and Training, Information Technology in Women’s Health and Ethics and Law in Women’s Health, Sexual Abuse: Signs and Symptoms

Gynecologic Cancer_ 2nd International Women Health and Breast Cancer Conference

Gynecologic Cancer

Cervical, Ovarian, Uterine, Vaginal and Vulvar Cancer Recent Research and Advancement, Risk and Prevention, Causes and Diagnosis, Therapy, Imaging studies, Transvaginal ultrasound, Endoscopy, Tissue biopsies, and body-fluid samples, Molecular tissue testing

 Cosmecutical_International Women Health and Breast Cancer Conference


The science of skin health and skin ageing, Performance testing for innovative claims, Impact of technology and the regulatory challenges, Dermatological procedure, Advances in cosmetic and plastic surgery, Anti-aging advanced techniques, Body-contouring and reshaping, Dermal fillers, breast and lip augmentation, Advances in cosmetic and plastic surgery, Consumer acceptance for natural holistic healthcare, Food-cosmetic interface and interaction,Safety and efficacy

2nd International Women Health and Breast Cancer Conference_iWomen Health 2020_London, UK_Osteoporosis and Bone Health

Osteoporosis and Bone Health

Pathopyshiology, Osteoporosis and Nutrition, Bone Remodelling, Diagnosis and treatmnet of Osteoporosis in Postmenopausal Women, Biochemical Markers, Bone Marrow Adipogenesis in Osteoporosis,Trandiational Herbal Medicine for Osteoporosis, Treatment of Osteoporosis, Drug Therapy, Calcium supplements for osteporosis, hormone therapy, 

2nd International Women Health and Breast Cancer Conference_iWomen Health 2020_London, UK_Urogynaecology


Preventive Urogynecology, Genital Prolapse – Management and Surgery, Incontinence – Management and Surgery and Genital Trauma and Fistulae, Abnormal uterine bleeding and dysfunctional uterine bleeding,  Basis of abnormal pelvic support, Ovarian Cysts